
Common Names: Capricornia, Congrioblanco, Cupiuba, Goupi, Kopi, Kopie, Saino, Sapino

Botanical Name: Goupiaglabra

Distribution: The natural growth range of the species is reported as the uplands of the Lower Amazon, the Guianas, and the Serrania de San Lucas, Carare-Opon, Rio Cauca Valley, and other regions of Colombia.

Tree Size: The tree grows to a height of 130 feet (40 m), with a trunk diameter of 20 to 24 inches (50 to 60 cm), some mes 36 inches (90 cm), over large buttresses.

Average Dried Weight: 50 lbs/cu.ft.

Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): .72

Janka Hardness: 2,040lbf

Crushing Strength: 9,590lbf/in2

Shrinkage: Radial: 5%, Tangential: 8%, Volumetric: 13%

Color/Appearance: The thick, distinct sapwood is brownish or pinkish. It is not clearly demarcated from the heartwood. The heartwood is described as light reddish-brown or brown beige to orange brown and darkens slightly upon exposure.

Grain/Texture: The grain is usually straight to interlocked. The wood is medium- to coarse-textured.

Rot Resistance: The wood is reported to be slightly resistant to decay, or moderately durable. Its resistance to brown-rot fungi, white-rot fungi, termites and dry wood insects is rated as good. It has very little resistance to attack by marine borers. Resistance to Impregnation. The heartwood is reported to be very resistant to
preservative treatment. The sapwood is moderately resistant.

Workability: The wood exerts moderate blun ng effect on cuttng tools. Material containing interlocked grain is generally difficult to plane. A cutting angle of 15 degrees is recommended. The material can be turned easily but there is usually a large amount of dust. The wood is fairly difficult to mould. Boring characteristics are rated as good. The material is reported to rout easily. Gluing proper es are rated as fair. The wood polishes satisfactorily.

Odor: The wood has a fetid odor when green. The dry wood has no discernible odor and is tasteless.

Wood Uses

  • General Construction
  • Joinery Furniture
  • Cabinetry
  • Floor Decking Terraces
  • External Applications
  • Ceiling Walls Panels
  • Moldings